Saturday, April 26, 2014

Garlic Roasted Mashed Potatoes

Jodies Kitchen Garlic Roasted Potatoes

My garlic roasted mashed potatoes are a perfect addition to any meal.This great side dish has just enough roasted garlic to give a nice flavor but not give the old one two punch that some garlic dishes can sometimes give.I top mine with chives which give another nice little flavor boost but is certainly an option for you.They are growing plentiful in my garden so I use them when I can.This is a very easy side dish I think you will enjoy...Good luck 

If your on Facebook and need to know how to roast a bulb of garlic click HERE

Jodies Kitchen Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes

4 1/2 cups diced potatoes cooked in salted water (skins r your choice)
1/2 cup canned milk or half and half or cream (milk may be your choice)
1/2 stick butter
1/2 bulb roasted garlic

Heat milk and butter in large pot just until warm.Add garlic and potatoes then whip or beat as you choose until all is incorporated.Add salt as needed.Serve while hot.


  1. BuenĂ­simo gustan las papas con ajo buena receta,abrazos

    1. Translation By Google: Terrific .... I like potatoes with garlic good recipe, hugs

      Thank you,I hope you will give it a try and enjoy :)



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